Racism on all sides is of the Devil….Jesus says all lives(and souls) Matter.The Devil says NO lives matter

Both sides, white black or otherwise need to renew their minds and look at things thru the eyes of Jesus and lean not on their own understanding
The Black Church, Black Lives Matters and the Gay agenda are working in concert to bring about Martial law and the NWO controlled by the AntiChrist thru their many false flag mass shootings vs minorities and supposed gays.
Many of us(African-Americans) have put out trust in Obama, not in Christ. And Obama is one of the biggest supporters of BLM and all the chaos it is causing.
Suppose, instead of meeting for three hours with Black Lives Matter leaders…
The President of the United States, seized with some unexplainable attack of conscience, or a drug-induced revelation, stood up in front of television cameras and spoke to the nation and the world about…
The real web that entangles and holds inner cities hostage.Suppose the President suddenly said:
“My fellow Americans, the first thing you have to know is that, since 1966, when the federal government declared a War on Poverty, it has spent some two trillion dollars, much of it earmarked for the inner cities of America. And now, today, those areas are worse off than ever.
“For various reasons, including massive theft of funds, this War is a total failure.
“Second, the elite march toward Globalism—the control of the planet exercised by a few powerful groups—has purposely sent manufacturing jobs out of America, and out of inner cities, to Third World countries—and one effect has been the massive loss of jobs here.
“Poverty, already a fact of life in inner cities, has spread like wildfire.
“On top of all this, we have seen the expansion of criminal gangs in poverty-stricken urban communities. Violence and fear there is a way of life. And there has never been a comprehensive federal strategy for ridding our cities of this abominable scourge.
“Do you want to know why? Because gangs cooperate with Mexican cartels to distribute street drugs across America. Gangs have been vital cogs in that machine. And the federal government is in the drug business. I should say, certain players in the government, attached to government, above and behind government—bankers, for example—profit greatly from this industry.
“For instance, federal agencies struck a deal with the Sinaloa Cartel years ago, marking out free and open routes between our southern border and several US hub cities. Sinaloa does uninterrupted trafficking along those routes. No significant arrests are made. No interventions occur.
“In return for this accommodation, Sinaloa passes along actionable intelligence on its rival cartels, and our federal agencies can and do make arrests and seizures in those cases.
“Wiping out the American gang scourge would put a crimp in the permitted drug business, and therefore, those groups are left in place. We, the government, pretend these gangs are little more than ‘disadvantaged youth’ who need an opportunity to fulfill themselves. We do everything in our power to frame the problem in terms of sociological causes—and we purposely avoid the stark fact that these boys and men commit terrible crimes and hold inner cities hostage by creating and sustaining a climate of fear and danger and drug addiction.
“In truth, police brutality accounts for a very small fraction of lives lost in those inner city communities.
“Meanwhile, the relatively few citizens of inner cities who do manage, against heavy odds, to launch successful local businesses, are never deployed to spearhead and teach their neighbors how to achieve that kind of remarkable success. We may pin on a badge, or present a plaque, or stage a photo op, but we never deploy federal money to make these authentic business leaders into long-term instructors in the art they have mastered. That is tragic.
“Do you want to talk about cooperation? In several American inner cities, local heroes have created urban farms. Residents of all ages learn to grow their own food. Their own fresh, clean food. What a magnificent achievement. With an infinitesimal fraction of the federal money we have wastefully dumped into the War on Poverty, we could have these pioneers start up a hundred, a thousand, ten thousand expansive urban farms across America. —Food grown by the people who will eat it. This project alone would revolutionize life in those places. Why aren’t we doing it? Why can’t government find these private citizens who are already tremendous problem solvers and empower them to solve more problem, instead of backing tired old race-baiting blowhards?
“I’ll tell you why. The government is a jealous master. It wants to define, control, and solve problems. It doesn’t really matter whether the problems are overcome, as long as government is in charge. That is a hideous fact of life, and we have to change it. Our wasteful, incompetent, and in some cases, criminal federal programs have to be sidetracked and stopped. They are runaway trains, and they must be led to terminals and parked.
“The protests against the police we are seeing now, even if they were successful in some respects, wouldn’t change any of the basic facts that ruin life in our inner cities. That may be hard to swallow, but it’s true.
“Do you know something? Some of the people protesting are doing it as if it’s a job, as if they’re bringing home a paycheck—when what they really need is an actual job, an actual economy in their neighborhood.
“Shall I detail for you how shameful and vicious loan practices have destroyed lives, how home mortgages have been rigged to make home buyers fail and lose their very place of shelter? Shall I detail how street-drug economies have taken over?
“Shall I describe how fervently most citizens in poverty-blighted cities actually want the police to wipe out gangs?
“I’ve discovered, late in the game, that basic truths, such as the ones I’ve just laid out, seem to make answers harder. Mountains to climb are suddenly higher. But it serves no purpose to pretend and deflect and lie and cover up and kill hope while appearing to encourage it. Vital facts need to be brought out into the light.
“What good, for instance, does it do to promise and inflate and fabricate, when it comes to employment numbers? We, the government, can’t directly create jobs, unless we want everyone to work for the State. But I’ve just indicated how we could help others to reverse the trend of horrendous unemployment. This should have been done decades ago.
“Black lives matter? All lives matter? Are we really going to spend time arguing about what to say and how to say it? I’m telling you, when it comes to life in inner cities, I’ve just described the raw barriers that prevent it from flourishing—and if anyone cares to win this struggle, attention must be paid.
“I’m aware, as you are, that the State has done much to grind down The Individual, no matter who he or she is.
“At the same time, the State has coddled and exonerated individuals who have committed terrible crimes, and calling those crimes by other names doesn’t make them go away, in case you haven’t noticed.
“Oh yes, and another thing. I hate to say this, but the creation and maintenance of a permanent government-dependent underclass, in our cities, is a purposeful act. It isn’t an accident, and it isn’t just a strategy for winning votes in election seasons. It’s a way of pulling the whole country down, sucking it into an ever-widening vortex of poverty, conflict, division, and useless guilt. It’s a political, economic, and psychological operation. There is no strong motive to help this underclass help itself. If there were, it might lead to a genuine renewal. But renewal isn’t in the cards. The men who are behind this underclass-operation intend to sink America. I should know. I’ve been working for them. Until now.
“Can we right the ship?
“—Did the networks just cut off my feed? I was just getting started. I was about to talk about the militarization and federalization of police forces, and the expanding Surveillance State. We have to curtail all that…Hello? Are we still on the air? Who’s running things here…I need to talk to the person in charge…Who’s in charge?”
This hypothetical speech would possibly be the biggest and most important speech every giving to the black community and really for the world every uttered by an USA president. But unfortunately this truth would never be allowed to be told to the mainstream. Because this truth opens up a rabbit hole that exposes this who world system as a lie.

It is the devil who wants to divide and destroy us and the Lord who wants to unite and strengthen us. Let us work with the Lord, not against Him.

 Here is an excert from Pastor Michael Brown on the truth about racial discard.

As America stands at the precipice of deadly, coast-to-coast, race wars, this is not the time to mince words. I would rather speak the truth in love, even if it means offending some, than avoid confrontation out of fear of offense. In return, I expect others to be just as candid with me.

I also recognize that, if racial tensions escalate in our nation and more blood is shed, the ones who are likely to suffer the most (and perhaps the longest) are Black Americans. And so, I write this column because I do believe that Black Lives Matter.

Prof. George Yancey, himself an African American, has also urged for open, candid conversations, writing, “Maybe now with people on all sides of the political and racial arguments feeling such pain, we can begin taking the necessary steps to move towards real racial reconciliation.”

It is in that spirit that I write this column, fully aware that I’m not addressing the concerns of Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, Native Americans, or other minorities in our midst, but that is the nature of this article. I trust all readers will understand.

Although I am a White American (more specifically, a White male, identifying more specifically as a Jewish believer in Jesus), I’m not speaking of “us” and “them” in this column. Rather, I’m addressing all of us together, letting the chips fall where they may.

Shall we proceed?

  • White Americans sometimes do not see racism when it is there; Black Americans sometimes see racism when it is not there. If we will take the time to hear one another out, filling in each other’s blind spots, we can move from perception to reality.
  • There is a real reason for Black frustration and anger. When Whites minimize the pain of Blacks or, worse still, claim that they are just being pawns of the media or political leaders, they deeply insult their Black brothers and sisters. Most Whites really do not understand what it is like to grow up as a minority culture, and they cannot relate to the historic suffering of Blacks in America, a history which is not as far in the distant past we would all like it to be.
  • All Black lives matters, not just the lives of Blacks who die at the hands of White cops. White critics have rightly asked, “Where are the rallies and protests when a three-year-old Black child dies from random, inner-city gun fire? And what about the disproportionate number of Black babies killed in the womb, not to mention Blacks killed by other Blacks?” A Black man named Richard wrote on Facebook, “We cannot pick and choose when we decide to make a stand. We’re either all in (we must address black on black crime in addition to the murder of innocent blacks) or we’re not in at all. We can’t let these race-baiting politicians further divide us; if you haven’t noticed they want a race war. We must stand up and unite, both black and white and whatever other ethnicity and re-claim our freedom.”
  • All rhetoric that leads to violence, let alone that calls for violence, must be categorically renounced and repudiated. Not a few leaders in the Black Lives Matter movement need to do some serious soul-searching in light of the intentional, targeted shooting of cops in several states this past week. (Yancey characterizes Black Lives Matter as “a group that pushes its own racialized agenda and expects compliance instead of communication.”) Their irresponsible rhetoric can easily lead to bloodshed.
  • Everyone must work together to address injustice and inequality wherever it raises its head, be it in the courts or on the streets. Blacks would be greatly encouraged if they saw their White colleagues standing up for their cause rather than always taking a defensive posture. Do Whites automatically give the benefit of the doubt to other Whites, assuming Black claims of injustice are illegitimate?
  • It is social suicide to launch a war against our law enforcement agents. The police to do a good, important, often thankless, frequently life-threatening job, and without their sacrificial service, our nation would descend into chaos. The few bad cops who are out there are the exception to the rule (and they must be held accountable). Law and order is a good thing, not a bad thing, and as one black caller to my radio show noted (he was a career cop), when the bullets started flying in Dallas last week, the crowds ran from the shots; the police ran towards them to try to take out the killer(s).
  • It is important today to state that All Lives Matter. I understand that if a Black man is bleeding to death on the side of the road, having been shot without cause by an irresponsible White cop, it is insulting to say, “Yes, he’s dying, but let’s remember that All Lives Matter.” But when White policemen lay dying in the streets it is insensitive not to say All Lives Matter.
  • There is no comparison between a policeman overreacting and killing someone and another person intentionally targeting a policeman for death. I do not believe for a second that White cops get up in the morning and say to themselves, “I hope I can kill a Black person today!” Sadly, a Black man decided last week that he would murder as many cops as he could. There’s no true comparison between the two, whatever the skin color of the victims or perpetrators.
  • The elephant in the room is the breakdown of the Black American family. This was stressed to me by another black caller to my show. The disastrous, generational effects of fatherlessness are well-documented, and with illegitimacy in Black America at an almost unimaginable high of 74 percent, this is not simply a Black crisis; it is a national crisis. We got into this situation together, and we can only get out of it together.
  • There is far more that unites than divides us. We are, after all, one race, with each of us equally created in God’s image and equally loved by our Creator. And all of us as Americans have the same right to “Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.” It is the devil who wants to divide and destroy us and the Lord who wants to unite and strengthen us. Let us work with the Lord, not against Him.

Speaking now as a White American to my Black American brothers and sisters, I say from the heart: America cannot be great unless you are thriving, and my own life will not be full if your lives are not full.

The hypocrisy of all sides of this racial issue( as well as along host of sins committed by America/Babylon has brought America under judgement.

Proverbs 6:16-19
There are si

x things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to him:
haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies, and a person who stirs up conflict in the community.

What Will Heal America?

Even though I personally feel we are past the point of repentence in these last days, Yahweh does show us how we can indiviudally come into righteousness and not be decieved by the plans of the Devil in this last days. 1st as it relate sto issue sof racism, or any other strife we encounter in our lives, Jesus gives us instructions in righteous living.

.Luke 6:35
But love your enemies, do good to them, and lend to them, expecting nothing in return. Then your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High; for He is kind to the ungrateful and wicked.

(But understand this: In the last days terrible times will come. 2For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant,abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful,unholy, 3unloving, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, without love of good,… 2Timothy 3:2)


2 Chronicles 7:14

if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.





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